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Moldova NewsThe state will make compensations for planting vineyards to 230 economical agents. ![]() This year 230 economical agents gave documents for getting state compensations for planting young vineyards to agro-industrial agency “Moldova-Vin”. The area of vineyards planted is about 2 525 hectares. Head of Financing-Economical Management “Moldova-Vin”, Petru Avasiloaie, said that it is necessary to pay 71.9 million leus for spring planting. 7.5 million leus are already paid to the agents. The amount of money left will be given before 15th December. Thus, according to Vasiloaie, unlike the years before this year there will be no debts for compensations. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruVolume of cargo and passenger traffic increased in Moldova ![]() Within January – October 2007 there were carried more than 13,7 million tons of cargo be different means of transport (railway, automobile, air and water transports). This is 10.4 per cent more than the same period of 2006. The main part of cargo traffic went to railway transport: more than 9.9 million tons. Automobile transport carried about 3.9 million tons and air transport just 0.8 million tons of cargo. Comparing to the same period of the previous year notably increase also passenger stream. Thus more than 5 million passengers were carried by automobile transport. This is 6.5 per cent more than the year before. Railroaders carried 4174.6 thousand of passengers, air service carried 357 thousand passenger. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruNational football team attained the best result in its history ![]() Moldova National football team won three goals to nil with Hungary in the last qualification game for Euro-2008. The game took place last Saturday on the Chisinau stadium “Zimbru”. The goals were shot by Igor Bugaev (12th minute), Nicolae Josan (22nd minute) and Serghei Alexeev (86th minute). Thus, National team, lead by Olympic champion Igor Dobrovoliskiy, got 12 points and it occupies the 5th place in its group. This is the best result for the whole time of Moldova National team existing. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruInternational project “Dance for life” intended to stop the AIDS started in Moldova ![]() Wednesday international project “Dance for life” intended to stop the AIDS started in Moldova. Initiators of project introduction are Fund to fight AIDS “East – West”, Ministry of Health and Education, National Center of Preventive Medicine and National Center to fight AIDS (NCFA). According to NCFA head, Stefan Gheorghita, this campaign is up-to-date for the republic teenagers. HIV didn’t pass Moldova. The first HIV carrier was registered in Moldova in 1987. Nowadays there are 3900 AIDS infected citizens. Their number grows every year mostly due to teenagers. International project “Dance for life” gave start to campaign for propaganda of healthy life among teenagers. It will last till the end of 2008 and will be followed by concerts, dance tours and other events. International project “Dance for life” started in 2004. It is supported by many countries among which there are Holland, Germany, Russia, USA, RSA, Zambia, India, and Zimbabwe. “Dances for life” is teenagers brand of International campaign to fight AIDS. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruPrime-Minister of Estonia comes to Moldova with the official visit Prime-Minister of Estonia, Andrus Ansip, comes to Moldova with the official visit on 12th-14th November. Estonian delegation should come on Monday, 12th November, evening. Tuesday morning the official ceremony of meeting Estonian delegation will take place in the Government. This day also meeting of Prime-Ministers of Moldova and Estonia will take place. Program of the visit also contains the meeting of Estonian Prime Minister with Chairman of Moldovan Parliament, Marian Lupu. During the visit Moldovan-Estonian business forum will take place. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruVolume of air-passengers operations increased on the quarter. ![]() Within 9 months of this year volume of air-passenger operations increased on 25 per cent comparing to the same period of the last year. More than half a million people made use of national and foreign air companies services. More than 62 per cent of passengers flew by national air companies. Air Moldova is the leader. More than half of all passengers made use of their services – 263.8 thousand people. Then follow Turkish Airlines that conveyed more than 74.4 thousand of passengers, Moldavian Airlines (43 700), Romanian Carpat Air (38 400), Italian Meridiana SpA (36 600), Austrian Airlines (22 200), Moldovan Tandem Aero (17 100) and Romanian Tarom (11 500). According to State Administration of Commercial Aviation the most popular are the flights to Istanbul (103.3 thousand people), Moscow (65.8 thousand), Timisoara (42.3 thousand) and Frankfurt-on-Main (524.7 thousand). Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruMoldovan wines won 9 medals on the exhibition “Interdrink - 2007” in Moscow ![]() Moldovan wines won 9 medals on the exhibition “Interdrink - 2007” in Moscow among them are 6 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals. These medals were given to the best wines and divins by such companies as “Vismos”, “Lion-Gri”, “Milestii Mici”, “Cojusna”, “Cvint”. Sparkling wine “National” by Moldovan-Russian enterprise “Vismos” won gold. Wine production of the company soon will be introduced on the Russian Federation market. Director of the agency “Moldova-Vin”, Valeriy Mironescu, notified that the results of testing competition gave encouragement to Moldovan wine-makers. The medals gained by Moldovan wines approve that Moldovan wine-makers are going to come back to Russian market with the production of high quality. More than 100 wine-making companies from 10 countries of the world took part in the work of the international exhibition “Interlink-2007”. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruThe first University baby-hall in Moldova is open in Chisinau ![]() International Women Club of the republic opens the first baby-hall for student’s children on Friday. It will be located in the International Liberal University of Moldova (ULIM). Now more than 100 young parents, who study in the University, may give their children to reliable hands for the time of lessons. Children from 6 months to 5 years old are accepted to baby hall. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruFog changed the work schedule of International Airport Chisinau ![]() Last days International Airport Chisinau changed a bit the schedule of planes departing and arriving because of the fog. For instance, 30 October the plane flying from London to Chisinau was redirected to spare Bucharest airport because of low visibility on the landing strip. Flight Larnaka – Chisinau was postponed. Flight Chisinau – Budapest was cancelled because of the heavy fog last Wednesday. The fog delayed to half an hour flights from Chisinau to Vienna and Timisoara. Flights to Frankfurt and Moscow were delayed to several hours. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruMeeting of Moldovan-Russian Intergovernmental Committee takes place in Chisinau Meeting of Moldovan-Russian Intergovernmental Committee on trade-economics collaboration takes place in Chisinau on Monday. At the end of it meeting protocol is expected to be signed. It will be signed by Committee co-chairmen – the first vice prime-minister of the Republic of Moldova, Zinaida Grechanaya, and Education and Science Minister of Russian Federation, Andrei Fursenco. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruThe Museum of Ethnography and Natural History celebrates its birthday ![]() National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History celebrates its birthday. It is 118 years old. There are held some scientific readings, books presentations and “round-table” conferences. New “Museum Mercury” was issued. It tells about the latest scientific researches of the museum employees. On the first floor of the historical building of the museum, constructed by the project of the architect Tsigankov, there is open unusual exhibition “Museographs and their hobbies”. Some works of museographs will remain in the museum collection. The museum is called to be people’s museum. People from different nooks of the country come here to give the museum something which has history imprint. The last time such gifts are specially appreciated because step by step the dream of museum workers to create “Village Museum” comes true. On the museum birthday the most popular wish is that the dream about creating the new “Village Museum” to become true. Read an article about National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruMoldova National Team has a nice result in qualification for EURO-2008 ![]() Moldova National Football Team under the supervision if Igor Dobrovolskiy got a historical result in qualification for EURO-2008. For the first time the team got 7 points in 3 following matches. 6 of these points were obtained in away games. According to the president of Football Federation of Moldova, Pavel Cebanu, said that the most important are not the points but that National Team doesn’t loose in the last matches. He hopes that the players will continue in the same vein. The last match in EURO-2008 qualification Moldova will take in Chisinau against Hungary. Moldova with its 9 points occupies the 6th place in the standings. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruThe new flight Chisinau – Milan is open ![]() On 16th October the direct flight from Chisinau to Milan was open. This flight became possible because of close cooperation of Moldovan company Air Moldova and Italian carrier Meridian. New flight will take place twice a week. Moldovan passengers will be able to reach Milan Malpensa Airport at Tuesdays and Fridays. The flight will be accomplished on the comfortable airliner Airbus-320 of Italian airlines Meridian. The minimum price for flight ticket to one side is 101 euro (including airport fees). Moldovan airline agreed to become marketing operator of Italian colleagues. Air Moldova will have its block of places in the plane. It took upon itself complete responsibility for exploitation of aircraft. It opened the representation in Milan for the convenience of Moldovan passengers. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruThe capital of Moldova hosts the international conference «Information Technologies and Security – 2007» ![]() Monday the international conference «Information Technologies and Security – 2007» starts to work in Chisinau. The aim of the forum is the analysis of the situation in the sphere of information security of state and commercial informational systems and communications, presentation of new advanced technologies and hardware for information protection. Experts from Moldova, Russia, Georgia, Great Britain, Poland and Israel participate in the conference. The conference is organized by state enterprise «Center of special telecommunications» and ULIM university with the financial aid of Navy Department of the USA. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruNational Wine Day 2007 Moldova is famous for its wine. That's why every year the country celebrates Wine Day. This celebration takes place on the second weekend of October, when grapes are collected and green wine is in the wood. Now wine-growers and wine-makers may have a tremendous time. This year Wine Day falls on 13-14th October. The capital will celebrate double holiday as on 14th October Chisinau inhabitants celebrate City Day. There follows the program of the celebration in Chisinau. 13th october
14th october
Anno-Timpurile – peculiar vision of the time ![]() On Wednesday at the National Art Museum there the exhibition of Vasiliy Cojocaru opens. The exhibition is dedicated to 75 anniversary of the artist. Landscapes are his passion. Even if he refers to the same places for several times they all look different on the pictures by him. For instance sheep fold be him in 1999 and 2001 are absolutely different. Artist finds the new expression in the latest work. With the help of pictures by Cojocaru it is possible to make the catalogue of the most beautiful places of Moldova. His works were exhibited for many times inside and outside the republic. He is permanent participant of spring and autumn salons. Entering his 76th year the artist has a bunch of creative plans. The exhibition lasts up to 10th November. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruBender celebrates City Day Bender, the second largest city in Transnistria, celebrates City Day on 8th Ocotber. 599 years ago in the official documents there was mentioned customs station Tyagyanyakyacha. Alexander Dobryi signed a special edict which allowed the merchants from Lvov to trade here. This fact contributed to establishment of a city on this place. In Bender there are held different sport events, veteran regatta down the Dniester and other events. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruCenter for NATO informing and documentation has open in Chisinau On Wednesday in Chisinau there opened Center for NATO informing and documentation. Stefanie Babst, NATO General Secretary assistant deputy, said that “The center is non-governmental organization which is established only for informing purpose. It will finance by North-Atlantic Treaty Organization funds. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruFor the first time Karate Championship will take place in Moldova ![]() Moldova will become the first country on the post-Soviet territory which will host Karate (Shotokan style) Championship. Spectators will be able to watch the duel meets of the best masters of this type of martial arts. They will take place in Chisinau in Track-and-field Athletics Hall from 11 to 13 October. Aurel Patru, the president of International Karate (Shokatan) Federation, said that they don’t want to choose the rich country for carrying out the championship. They want to offer their hand to all the states to raise up interest towards karate. About 500 sportsmen from 30 countries will take part in the championship. Moldova will be presented by 120 masters of Karate. Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ruExhibition Automarket – Auto Salon'2007 starts in Chisinau ![]() 10th International Specialized Exhibition Automarket – Auto Salon'2007 takes place in Moldova from 28th September till 3rd October. It will occupy all three pavilions of Moldexpo (Moldovan exposition Center) and an adjacent territory. The cars will be demonstrated on the territory of 10 thousand square meters. In the exhibition there will participate more than 30 car importers and leasing company which will present the newest brands in automobile world. Within the exhibition such competitions as "Three, Seven, Bull", "The best automobile'2007", "AutoSound'2007". Informational source: http://www.newsmoldova.ru
Weather in Moldova
Many people in the world have never heard about Moldova. They even wonder that such country exists.
Then follow timid wild guesses of its location: Africa! Asia! No? Where it may be? However that happens
through no fault of those people. There’s too few information about Moldova in the Internet. So, the time
to tell the world about Moldova came!
Moldova is a small country which is situated in the Eastern Europe on 47 N, 29 E. |