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Facts about Basarabeasca and its historyMoldova Info → Cities of Moldova → Basarabeasca Basarabeasca is a city on the south of Moldova on 46°20'N, 28°58'E. It is situated on the border with Ukraine. The city is a center of Basarabeasca district. River Cogilnic runs through the city. It flows into Black sea. On the place where nowadays Basarabeasca is situated there appeared village in 1846. It was Jewish colony. The village was called Romanovka. Here lived 86 Jewish families. They all tilled the ground. Late some families started to practice winemaking, crafts and commerce. At the end of XIX century there was synagogue and heder in the village. The population of the village little by little grew. The first school was opened here in 1899. At the beginning it consisted of one single class. At the early XX century there was built a railway station not far from the village. A new railway station was called Basarabeasca. In this period the village is characterized by fast developing. A new synagogue is built, in some houses there appear telephones… In 1923 this village was considered to be a big one. Here were 690 houses, school, drug store, retail outlets and so on. The village became a city and was renamed into Basarabeasca in 1957 when it was united with former German colony located not far from it. Nowadays in Basarabeasca live about 11 000 people. The city is divided into regions (Romanovka, Flaminda and others). Three lyceums work in the city. The city also has its own TV channel and radio station. Sites about Basarabeasca:
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Many people in the world have never heard about Moldova. They even wonder that such country exists.
Then follow timid wild guesses of its location: Africa! Asia! No? Where it may be? However that happens
through no fault of those people. There’s too few information about Moldova in the Internet. So, the time
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Moldova is a small country which is situated in the Eastern Europe on 47 N, 29 E. |